
Electronics & embedded solutions

  • In a wide range of electronics and embedded electronics solutions;
  • In a spread range of businesses;
  • … and in an extensive variety of fields.


  • From seed to tree – brings yours basic/initial idea to a full solution
  • Turnkey solutions – takes care of all the supply-chain


  • Electronics design – designs any desired requirement with state-of-the-art design tools
  • PCB design – designs any PCB shape, with any number of layers at any size/voltage/current that required


  • Embedded software – embedded software programs for any type of controller, including self-test and firmware upgrade
  • BLE modules – designs any BLE module, as a pipeline unit, or as SoC BLE module


  • Embedded Programming and Test – designs a unique Programming and Testing for all kind of OS, to give the ability to the PCBA manufacturer to program, tests and tracks the embedded PCBA manufacturing process
  • SCADA systems – programs any Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition application

About MSG Engineering

The company was founded in 2009 by Hemi Mizrahi, a Senior Electronics Engineer hardware, embedded hardware and software expert (an EE B.Sc. from the Technion Israel Institute of Technology, and MBA from the Derby University branch in Israel). Hemi has over than 30 years of experience in several companies and in several positions.
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